タイトルの通り、ある日突然Amazon Elasticsearch Service(以下AES)のクラスター状態が黄色になってしまいました。 今回はクラスター状態が黄色になった場合の対処方法について、紹介します。
黄色のクラスター状態は、すべてのインデックスのプライマリシャードがクラスター内のノードに割り当てられ、少なくとも 1 つのインデックスのレプリカシャードは割り当てられていないことを意味します。
まずは、クラスターの状態を確認します。 以下のコマンドを使用して確認します。
$ curl -X GET {エンドポイント}/_cluster/health?pretty=true { "cluster_name" : {クラスター名}, "status" : "yellow", "timed_out" : false, "number_of_nodes" : 4, "number_of_data_nodes" : 4, "active_primary_shards" : 41, "active_shards" : 80, "relocating_shards" : 0, "initializing_shards" : 0, "unassigned_shards" : 2, "delayed_unassigned_shards" : 0, "number_of_pending_tasks" : 0, "number_of_in_flight_fetch" : 0, "task_max_waiting_in_queue_millis" : 0, "active_shards_percent_as_number" : 97.5609756097561 }
unassigned_shardsが2つ存在することがわかりました。 さらに以下のコマンドで、シャード情報について深ぼってみます。
$ curl -X GET {エンドポイント}/_cat/shards?h=index,shard,prirep,state,unassigned.reason index1 1 p STARTED index1 1 r STARTED index1 2 p STARTED index1 2 r STARTED index1 4 p STARTED index1 4 r STARTED index1 3 r STARTED index1 3 p STARTED index1 0 p STARTED index1 0 r STARTED index2 1 p STARTED index2 1 r STARTED index2 2 p STARTED index2 2 r UNASSIGNED ALLOCATION_FAILED index2 4 p STARTED index2 4 r STARTED index2 3 p STARTED index2 3 r UNASSIGNED ALLOCATION_FAILED index2 0 r STARTED index2 0 p STARTED
こちらの結果から、index2のシャード2, 3のreplicaノードが割り当てられていないことがわかりました。 さらに詳細を追います。 上記のシャードについて、ALLOCATION_FAILEDとなった原因を以下のコマンドで調べます。
$ curl -XGET {エンドポイント}/_cluster/allocation/explain?pretty { "index" : "index2", "shard" : 3, "primary" : false, "current_state" : "unassigned", "unassigned_info" : { "reason" : "ALLOCATION_FAILED", "at" : "2021-04-21T17:26:41.698Z", "failed_allocation_attempts" : 5, "details" : "failed to create shard, failure IOException[failed to obtain in-memory shard lock]; nested: ShardLockObtainFailedException[[index2][3]: obtaining shard lock timed out after 5000ms]; ", "last_allocation_status" : "no_attempt" }, "can_allocate" : "no", "allocate_explanation" : "cannot allocate because allocation is not permitted to any of the nodes", "node_allocation_decisions" : [ { "node_id" : "4CKlBkmrSOqZIGwfSPgufQ", "node_name" : "4CKlBkm", "node_decision" : "no", "deciders" : [ { "decider" : "max_retry", "decision" : "NO", "explanation" : "shard has exceeded the maximum number of retries [5] on failed allocation attempts - manually call [/_cluster/reroute?retry_failed=true] to retry, [unassigned_info[[reason=ALLOCATION_FAILED], at[2021-04-21T17:26:41.698Z], failed_attempts[5], delayed=false, details[failed to create shard, failure IOException[failed to obtain in-memory shard lock]; nested: ShardLockObtainFailedException[[index2][3]: obtaining shard lock timed out after 5000ms]; ], allocation_status[no_attempt]]]" } ] }, { "node_id" : "6AhVfEvhRziT3i5kaoaPfg", "node_name" : "6AhVfEv", "node_decision" : "no", "deciders" : [ { "decider" : "max_retry", "decision" : "NO", "explanation" : "shard has exceeded the maximum number of retries [5] on failed allocation attempts - manually call [/_cluster/reroute?retry_failed=true] to retry, [unassigned_info[[reason=ALLOCATION_FAILED], at[2021-04-21T17:26:41.698Z], failed_attempts[5], delayed=false, details[failed to create shard, failure IOException[failed to obtain in-memory shard lock]; nested: ShardLockObtainFailedException[[index2][3]: obtaining shard lock timed out after 5000ms]; ], allocation_status[no_attempt]]]" }, { "decider" : "awareness", "decision" : "NO", "explanation" : "there are too many copies of the shard allocated to nodes with attribute [zone], there are [2] total configured shard copies for this shard id and [2] total attribute values, expected the allocated shard count per attribute [2] to be less than or equal to the upper bound of the required number of shards per attribute [1]" } ] }, { "node_id" : "Wl2W4K1ESxGUWdiZQE65zQ", "node_name" : "Wl2W4K1", "node_decision" : "no", "deciders" : [ { "decider" : "max_retry", "decision" : "NO", "explanation" : "shard has exceeded the maximum number of retries [5] on failed allocation attempts - manually call [/_cluster/reroute?retry_failed=true] to retry, [unassigned_info[[reason=ALLOCATION_FAILED], at[2021-04-21T17:26:41.698Z], failed_attempts[5], delayed=false, details[failed to create shard, failure IOException[failed to obtain in-memory shard lock]; nested: ShardLockObtainFailedException[[index2][3]: obtaining shard lock timed out after 5000ms]; ], allocation_status[no_attempt]]]" } ] }, { "node_id" : "kORYnIFEQX-yZB0SFrcnIQ", "node_name" : "kORYnIF", "node_decision" : "no", "deciders" : [ { "decider" : "max_retry", "decision" : "NO", "explanation" : "shard has exceeded the maximum number of retries [5] on failed allocation attempts - manually call [/_cluster/reroute?retry_failed=true] to retry, [unassigned_info[[reason=ALLOCATION_FAILED], at[2021-04-21T17:26:41.698Z], failed_attempts[5], delayed=false, details[failed to create shard, failure IOException[failed to obtain in-memory shard lock]; nested: ShardLockObtainFailedException[[index2][3]: obtaining shard lock timed out after 5000ms]; ], allocation_status[no_attempt]]]" }, { "decider" : "same_shard", "decision" : "NO", "explanation" : "the shard cannot be allocated to the same node on which a copy of the shard already exists [[index2][3], node[kORYnIFEQX-yZB0SFrcnIQ], [P], s[STARTED], a[id=88w2bSjVTiGrreCA9UzgeQ]]" }, { "decider" : "awareness", "decision" : "NO", "explanation" : "there are too many copies of the shard allocated to nodes with attribute [zone], there are [2] total configured shard copies for this shard id and [2] total attribute values, expected the allocated shard count per attribute [2] to be less than or equal to the upper bound of the required number of shards per attribute [1]" } ] } ] }
また、unassigned_shardsはシャード自体は存在するが、ノードに割り当てられていないだけであるため、再割り当てを実行する必要があります。 再割り当ては以下のコマンドを実行します。
$ curl -X PUT {エンドポイント}/{インデックス名}/_settings -d ' { "index.allocation.max_retries" : 10 } '
これは割り当てに失敗した場合の再試行回数なのですが、この値を更新するとリーダーノードがクラスター上の指定されたインデックスのシャードの割り当てを再試行してくれます。 このコマンドを実行後に、再びシャードの情報を確認します。
$ curl -X GET {エンドポイント}/_cat/shards?h=index,shard,prirep,state,unassigned.reason index1 1 p STARTED index1 1 r STARTED index1 2 p STARTED index1 2 r STARTED index1 4 p STARTED index1 4 r STARTED index1 3 r STARTED index1 3 p STARTED index1 0 p STARTED index1 0 r STARTED index2 1 p STARTED index2 1 r STARTED index2 2 p STARTED index2 2 r INITIALIZING ALLOCATION_FAILED index2 4 p STARTED index2 4 r STARTED index2 3 p STARTED index2 3 r INITIALIZING ALLOCATION_FAILED index2 0 r STARTED index2 0 p STARTED
状態がUNASSIGNEDだったシャードが、INITIALIZINGに変わっていますね! もう少し待って、確認してみるとSTARTEDに切り替わり、unassigned.reasonもなくなります。
$ curl -X GET {エンドポイント}/_cat/shards?h=index,shard,prirep,state,unassigned.reason index1 1 p STARTED index1 1 r STARTED index1 2 p STARTED index1 2 r STARTED index1 4 p STARTED index1 4 r STARTED index1 3 r STARTED index1 3 p STARTED index1 0 p STARTED index1 0 r STARTED index2 1 p STARTED index2 1 r STARTED index2 2 p STARTED index2 2 r STARTED index2 4 p STARTED index2 4 r STARTED index2 3 p STARTED index2 3 r STARTED index2 0 r STARTED index2 0 p STARTED
$ curl -X GET {エンドポイント}/_cluster/health?pretty=true { "cluster_name" : "{クラスタ名}", "status" : "green", "timed_out" : false, "number_of_nodes" : 4, "number_of_data_nodes" : 4, "active_primary_shards" : 41, "active_shards" : 82, "relocating_shards" : 0, "initializing_shards" : 0, "unassigned_shards" : 0, "delayed_unassigned_shards" : 0, "number_of_pending_tasks" : 0, "number_of_in_flight_fetch" : 0, "task_max_waiting_in_queue_millis" : 0, "active_shards_percent_as_number" : 100.0 }